Landlord-Tenant Law

With over 25 years experience in New York City’s Civil Court system, Mr. Cutrona has successfully resolved numerous cases involving unregulated apartments, as well as commercial, rent-stabilized, Section-8, and other regulated tenancies, and possesses the experience to assist litigants facing the unpleasant issue of a landlord-tenant dispute. Recently there have been numerous changes to the statutes and procedures that must be navigated in housing court. The Tenant Protection Act of 2019, intended to protect residents’ rights, further complicated the already difficult process faced by landlords bringing an eviction in New York City. During the COVID-19 pandemic, executive and administrative orders were issued that prevented the eviction of tenants. Mr. Cutrona has remained up-to-date on the recent changes and is prepared to assist clients in resolving tenancy issues. Call today for a phone consultation.